Norāde: 8426944001125
Oven-baked potato crisps with carrots, beetroots and broccoli. Perfectly innocent snack.
Sastāvdaļas: kartupeļi, saulespuķu eļļa, sāls 0,9%.
Uzturvērtība: Enerģētiskā vērtība 2533kJ/610kcal, Tauki 47g, Piesātinātās taukskābes 5,7g, Ogļhidrāti 41g, no tiem cukurs 0,6g, Šķiedrvielas 4,2, Olbaltumvielas 3,7g, Sāls 0,9g
Izcelsmes valsts: Spānija
Oven-baked potato crisps with carrots, beetroots and broccoli. Perfectly innocent snack.
Oven-baked potato crisps with carrots, beetroots and broccoli. Perfectly innocent snack.
Oven-baked potato crisps with carrots, beetroots and broccoli. Perfectly innocent snack.
Oven-baked potato crisps with carrots, beetroots and broccoli. Perfectly innocent snack.
Oven-baked potato crisps with carrots, beetroots and broccoli. Perfectly innocent snack.